As a business owner, when you accept credit cards you may be keeping customers waiting while you ring up sales twice in the POS and terminal. Working late reconciling credit card totals and dealing with credit card chargebacks due to transaction errors. If you use a fully integrated processing solution called Integrated Payments that’s built into your point of sale system you may be able to avoid these issues and help improve the profitability of your business. When you activate the integrated payments processing solution within your POS software your payment data is automatically synced to your POS management system so you can reduce incorrectly entered transaction amounts eliminating accounting headaches. Run transactions quickly shortening lines and keeping customers happy. Save time and money spent on payment reconciliation. Secure and protect your business with fraud fighting tools building customer trust and loyalty. And get one stop customer support when payment processing-related issues arise. The bottom line. Integrated Payments help simplify and streamline operations giving you more time to focus on your customers and your business. Give your business a boost with fast, reliable, and more secure payments. Find out what Integrated Payments can do for your business with a free, no obligation consultation.